If you have 4 servers and 2 delivery groups, and in each delivery group, 2 servers are registered, with this configuration in mind, you can only publish a particular application to a single delivery group, which equals to 2 servers only.
There was a requirement to be able to publish an application to all the 4 servers within 2 delivery groups. Apparently this is not possible using the GUI console.
However, using PowerShell you can !
You publish the application to the 1st delivery group using the GUI console, then you publish to the 2nd delivery group using the following
"My Published App"
"Delivery Group 2"
Note: There is a bug with this, which I believe is fixed with 7.6. The bug is if you were assigning a user to only a single delivery group, that user won't be able to see any of published application assigned to him/her. The user must be assigned to both delivery group.
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