This guide is based on installing ESX3.6 on PowerEdge 2950. The BIOS Setting must be set to:
CPU Virtualization Technology - enabled
AC Power Recovery Mode – last
1. Boot ESX 3.5 installation CD/DVD
2. Follow the installation wizard
3. Add the new ESX host to the Virtual Center
Open VI Client and connect to VC instance

Right click the Datacenter object and choose Add Host…

Type the FQDN name of the new host
Enter the root account login details and click Next

Accept default setting for new ESX host and click Finish
4. Install ESX Patches Using Update Manager
Open VI Client and connect to VC instance
Navigate to the new host in the left pane, and then choose the Update Manager tab
Click on Attach Baseline...

Select the checkbox of the baseline to be used and click OK
Note: If there is no baseline, click Create New Baseline… to create one
You should see the baseline attached to the Host now

Right click the Host in the left pane and select Scan for Updates

Select Yes to confirm scan

Once the scan has finished, right click the Host in the left pane and select Remediate...
On the Remediate Dialog Box, select the baseline checkbox that you want the Host to be remediated against and click Next
Leave the remediation time to: "Immediately" and the failure options to the default values and click Next
Click Finish to start the remediation
5. Change ESX Firewall Settings
SSH and login using: root
Open the port 2500-2510 TCP inbound
$> esxcfg-firewall -o 2500:2510,tcp,in,VeeamSCPRestart the service:
$>service mgmt-vmware restart6. Install Dell Server Administrator
Use Veeam or another SCP client to put the Dell OMSA Installer (get the latest Dell OMSA from
Transfer the downloaded file from Dell website to the /tmp
Extract Dell installer
$> cd /tmp
$> tar -zxvf OM_5.4.0_ManNode_A01.tar.gzChange directory and then install Open Manage Server Administrator using script
$> cd linux/supportscriptsIf the Host has a DRAC card use the following command
$> ./ –b –w –r -sIf the Host does not have a DRAC use this command
$> ./ –b –w -sAdd additional ESX Firewall rule to allow OMSA communications
$> esxcfg-firewall -o 1311,tcp,in,OpenManageRequest7. Configure SNMP
Use Veeam or another SCP client to put the new SNMP Config File
Create the SNMP config file, and save it as snmpd.conf:
# Sample snmpd.conf containing VMware MIB module entries.
# This is a simple snmpd.conf that may help you test SNMP.
# It is not recommended for production use. Consult the
# snmpd.conf(5) man pages to set up a secure installation.
#syscontact root@localhost (edit snmpd.conf)
#syslocation room1 (edit snmpd.conf)
rocommunity public
trapcommunity public
# VMware MIB modules. To enable/disable VMware MIB items
# add/remove the following entries.
dlmod SNMPESX /usr/lib/vmware/snmp/
# Allow Systems Management Data Engine SNMP to connect to snmpd using SMUX
smuxpeer .
Transfer this new snmpd.conf file to /etc/snmp
Open VI Client and connect to VC instance
Navigate to the new host in the left pane, and then choose the Configuration tab
Choose Security Profile from the Software box
Click Properties
Check the SNMP Server checkbox and click OK
8. Install Navisphere Agent (If EMC SAN used)
Download current applicable linux NaviAgent package from Powerlink
Use Veeam or another SCP client to put the NaviAgent ZIP file to the /tmp
SSH and login using: root
Extract the ZIP file
$> cd /tmp
$> unzip -d navi LINUX_AGNT_CLI_6. the permission to execute
$>chmod 755 navi -RRename the files
$> cd navi
$> mv
$> mv
$> mv naviagentcli- naviagentcli.noarch.rpmInstall Naviagent CLI
$> ./ naviagentcliConfirm opening ESX Firewall ports for NaviAgent
Create or edit an existing txt file called: agentID.txt
Add/edit the only two lines to read as below: (name and IP relevant to Host)
hostname.domain.com10.0.0.23Use Veeam or another SCP client to put the agentID.txt file into the /root
Reboot the Host
$> shutdown -r nowFrom this point we assume that SAN Fabric Zoning has been completed and the host can now be assigned to the SAN Storage Group applicable to the VI Cluster. This will allow it to access all necessary shared VMFS storage locations.
9. Configure Storage
Open VI Client and connect to VC instance

Navigate to the new host in the left pane, and then choose the Configuration tab
Choose Storage Adapters from the Hardware box
Right click the first HBA and click Rescan
Once completed, right click the second HBA and click Rescan
You should now see the assigned LUN (where available)
10. Configure Networking
Open VI Client and connect to VC instance
Navigate to the new host in the left pane, and then choose the Configuration tab
Choose Networking from the Hardware box
Select Properties of the default Virtual Switch: vSwitch0

Select the VM Network and click Remove
Click Yes to confirm

Select Add, choose VMkernel and click Next

Leave the name as defaults and check the box Use this port group for VMotion
Assign the necessary IP address and subnet mask to the switch, this must be different to the host address, and should be the next numerical above the host address.
Click Next

Click Finish
A prompt will appear notifying you that there is no Default Gateway set.
Choose Yes to set the default gateway for VMotion

Enter the correct Default Gateway value (usually the same as the servers Default Gateway)

Choose the Network Adapters Tab of the vSwitch0 Properties
Click Add

Select the second nominated adapter to add to the switch and click Next (this will give the service console and VMotion network redundancy)

Select Next to leave the network adapters in Active/Active mode
Click Finish and then choose Close to close the vSwitch0 properties
Select Add Networking...

Leave the default selection of Virtual Machine and choose Next

Ensure the default Create a virtual switch radio button is selected
Check the network adapters to be associated with the VM Switch (Should be a minimum of two) and click Next

Confirm the settings and choose Finish
11. Configure License
Open VI Client and connect to VC instance
Navigate to the new host in the left pane, and then choose the Configuration tab
Choose Licensed Features from the Software box
Click Edit on License Source

Select the Use License Server radio button and specify the address of the ESX License Server and Click OK
Click Edit on ESX Server Edition
Select ESX Server Standard radio button and Click OK