Found this article by how to create a VB script .rss file to exports all SQL Server Report file as an .rdl file.
Here is the code:
'must use -v rootPath="C:\Reports" Sub Main() Dim items As CatalogItem() = rs.ListChildren("/", true) For Each item As CatalogItem in items If item.Type = ItemTypeEnum.Folder Then CreateDirectory(item.Path) Else If item.Type = ItemTypeEnum.Report Then SaveReport(item.Path) End If Next End Sub Sub CreateDirectory(path As String) path = GetLocalPath(path) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path) End Sub Sub SaveReport(reportName As String) Dim reportDefinition As Byte() Dim document As New System.Xml.XmlDocument() reportDefinition = rs.GetReportDefinition(reportName) Dim stream As New MemoryStream(reportDefinition) document.Load(stream) document.Save(GetLocalPath(reportName) + ".rdl") End Sub Function GetLocalPath(rsPath As String) As String Return rootPath + rsPath.Replace("/", "\") End Function
Save the code below as export.rss file, create a folder where the reports will be stored (e.g. C:\Reports) then run the RS.EXE command against your report server web service URL
rs.exe -i export.rss -s http://reportserver.domain.local/ReportServer -v rootPath="C:\Reports"
This will create all the reports in the .rdl format in the folder specified above