Thursday, December 23, 2010
Netscaler and Citrix Web Interface Setup
Enable Access Gateway features
Access Gateway - Policies - Authentication - Servers (tab)
Add the domain controller
Access Gateway - Policies - Authentication - Policies (tab)
Add a new policy
Select the Server created earlier and add ns_true as expression
Access Gateway - Policies - Session - Profiles (tab)
Add a new profile
Change the Web Interface Address to your local web interface server path
Change the Single Sign-On Domain to your Active Directory domain
Access Gateway - Policies - Session - Policies (tab)
Add a new Policy
Add the ns_true expression
Change the Request Profile to the profile created earlier
Access Gateway - Virtual Servers
Add a new virtual server
Give an IP address
Select the SSL certificate (click here how to add SSL certificate to NetScaler)
Insert the policy created earlier
Add the URL to the STA
Citrix Web Interface
Create a new XenApp Web Sites
Authentication Point: At Access Gateway
Available Method: Explicit
Authentication Method:
Add the URL (https) that is publicly available for the user
Secure Access: Gateway Direct
Enter the publicly available URL to the address
Add the STA URL exactly the same with the STA servers you added to the Netscaler
Friday, November 12, 2010
Office 2010 Activation with KMS
Install Microsoft Office 2010 KMS Host License Pack to your KMS Host:
It will ask you to enter your Office 2010 KMS Volume License Key
Once entered you are ready to go - note, you need as least 5 clients try to activate Office 2010 before those clients are able to activate via KMS
From the client, you can either wait for Office 2010 to activate itself via KMS or you can force it using:
cscript ospp.vbs /act
note: ospp.vbs is located in your office14 installation folder
If you have already activated your Office using the MAK key, you can change that activation to KMS by entering KMS Client key:
cscript ospp.vbs /inpkey:
The KMS Client key can be found from:
Once you have entered the KMS Client Key, you can either wait or force the activation using ospp.vbs /act
Friday, October 29, 2010
App-V Register and Refresh Server
To use command line, I used the following method:
Enable user to manage server
Create a GPP for a computer that modifies the following registry entry:
set the value to 1
Add the server
Create a GPP for a user that executes the following command:
"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\" ADD SERVER:
Refresh Application
Create a GPP for a user that executes the following command:
"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\" REFRESH SERVER:
Monday, September 20, 2010
Import SSL Certificate to Citrix Netscaler
- Find any Windows 2003 with IIS installed. Generate a CSR from this machine
- Submit this CSR to your CA to get the private key of it
- Import this private key to your IIS again
- Export the certificate both public and private keys as a pfx file
- Import this .pfx file to the Netscaler, it will generate a new file
- Open this new file, it should have 2 sections, public and private sections
- Create 2 new files, one for the public and one for the private section
- Upload these 2 new files to the Netscaler (you can delete the .pfx and the generated file from Netscaler if you want to)
- From Netscaler, add a new SSL certificate
- Give a name to the new Certificate
- Select the public certificate for the Certificate File Name
- Select the private certificate for the Private File Name
- You can use the SSL certificate now with CAG
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Linux History Bash
# last
To clear out the login history:
# > /var/log/wtmp
To check the last command run:
# history
To clear out the command history:
# history -c
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Netbackup 7 Disk Staging Cleanup
Once the backup images are duplicated to the tapes, the images on disk are deleted from the clean-up process. The clean-up process chooses the oldest/expired images within the disk which have been duplicated and delete them.
For unknown reasons (based on my experience) the backup images were stuck on the staging disk. This causes a big problem because the running backup will have no enough space to store the backup image from the client, hence will fail.
To clean them do the following:
- Make sure the backup images have been duplicated to the tapes (e.g. have second copy), t0 d0 this, from the Netbackup Administration Console, select Netbackup Management - Reports - Images on Media. Select the client and click Run Report. Check the backup that has Media Type: Disk and find the corresponding backup that has the Media Type: Removable Media with the Copy Number: 2. If you have this, this means you are safe to delete the backup images on Disk
- From Netbackup Administration Console, select Catalog. Change the Action: Verify. Change Disk types: Basic Disk. Change the Date/Time range. Change Copies: Copy 2. Change Policy to the policy that backups the image and click Search Now.
- Select the backup image on tapes that is the duplicate of the backup images on disk that you want to clean up. Right click on it and select Set Primary Copy. This will make the backup image on tape as the primary copy for restore
- Change the Copies: Copy 1 and click Search Now
- Select the backup image on disk that you want to clean up. Right click on it and select Expire
- Open command prompt and run: bpimage -cleanup -allclients
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Microsoft KMS Host
Here are some necessary steps/tricks:
- If a Windows was activated with KMS key, it will automatically become a KMS host
- Depending on the KMS host OS and the KMS group key entered, different KMS clients can be activated through this KMS host
- KMS group key C is the highest you can enter which basically can activate all Windows 2008/R2, Vista, and Windows 7 with any edition
- To enter KMS key, run cmd prompt in escalated mode and do:
- To activate KMS host, do:
- Once KMS host has been activated, check DNS entry for _VLMCS SRV record that points to this KMS host
- To check how many KMS client has been trying to activate themselves through KMS host, do:
- Now all the KMS clients (Volume License Key) should by default try to activate through KMS host
- If you accidentally entered a KMS key to a KMS client, you can de-activate the KMS client by entering the "client type" key. Client type key depends on the Windows version, check on the following link
- Once you have the client type key, enter it and activate it:
slmgr.vbs /ato
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Script to do file cleanup
'* Specify the folder Name & Location here
Foldername="D:\DB Backup"
'* Specify how many days worth of Backup files you wanted to keep on the drive
Days = 7
'* Specify the Output fiel Name & location
LogFileName= "D:\CleanUp.txt"
Counter = 0
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set LogFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(LogFileName,2,true)
LogFile.WriteBlankLines 1
LogFile.Writeline " **************************************************"
LogFile.Writeline " * Delete Backup files Older than 7 Days *"
LogFile.Writeline " **************************************************"
LogFile.WriteBlankLines 1
LogFile.Writeline " Backup Folder Name .........: " & Foldername
LogFile.Writeline " Deleting files older then...: " & Days & " days"
LogFile.Writeline " Output File ................: " & LogFileName
LogFile.Writeline " Date Deleted ...............: " & Date
LogFile.WriteBlankLines 2
Counter = ViewSubFolders(Foldername, LogFile)
LogFile.WriteBlankLines 3
LogFile.Writeline "Total Old file(s) Deleted.....: " & Counter
LogFile.WriteBlankLines 3
Function checkFolder(Foldername, LogFile)
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Foldername)
Counter = 0
For Each file in objFolder.Files
FileFullName=Foldername & "\" & filename
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(FileFullName)
LogFile.Writeline "Checking: " & FileName & "," & LastModifiedDate
If IsOld="old" then
Counter = Counter + 1
LogFile.Writeline "Deleting: " & FileName & "," & LastModifiedDate
end if
FileFullName= null
LastModifiedDate= null
IsOld= null
Set objFile = Nothing
checkFolder = Counter
End Function
Function ViewSubFolders(strFolder, LogFile)
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder)
Counter = 0
CounterX = checkFolder(strFolder, LogFile)
Counter = Counter + CounterX
For Each SubFolder in objFolder.SubFolders
CounterY = ViewSubFolders(SubFolder,LogFile)
Counter = Counter + CounterY
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
ViewSubFolders = Counter
End Function
Function DateCheck(Lastmodified)
If DateDiff("d", lastmodified,date) > Days Then
end if
end Function
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Cisco IP Phone TFTP Server
The content of the XMLDefault.cnf.xml file is:
<member priority="0">
<loadInformation30007 model="CP-7912">CP7912080000SIP060111A</loadInformation30007>
<loadInformation8 model="CP-7940">P003-08-8-00</loadInformation8>
<loadInformation115 model="CP-7941">TERM41.7-0-2-0S</loadInformation115>
<loadInformation434 model="Cisco 7942"></loadInformation434>
<loadInformation309 model="Cisco 7941G-GE">TERM41.7-0-2-0S</loadInformation309>
<loadInformation435 model="Cisco 7945"></loadInformation435>
<loadInformation7 model="CP-7960">P003-08-8-00</loadInformation7>
<loadInformation30018 model="CP-7961">SIP41.8-5-2S</loadInformation30018>
<loadInformation308 model="Cisco 7961G-GE">SIP41.8-5-2S</loadInformation308>
<loadInformation404 model="Cisco 7962"></loadInformation404>
<loadInformation436 model="Cisco 7965"></loadInformation436>
<loadInformation6 model="CP-7970">SIP70.8-4-2S</loadInformation6>
<loadInformation30006 model="CP-7970">SIP70.8-4-2S</loadInformation30006>
<loadInformation119 model="Cisco 7971">TERM70.7-0-2-0S</loadInformation119>
<loadInformation118 model="Cisco 7971G-GE">TERM70.7-0-2-0S</loadInformation118>
<loadInformation437 model="Cisco 7975"></loadInformation437>
<loadInformation302 model="Cisco 7985">cmterm_7985.4-1-4-0</loadInformation302>
Edit the loadInformation tag with the image version you want that particular phone to load with.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Symantec Enterprise Vault
## script attempt - comprehensive FSA script to analyze target locations and evaluate file within it
## First we check the registry to see if the bypassrecallimitsforadmins key (8.0) or bypassrecalllimitsforadmins (7.5 something where it was spelt right)
## We also check recalllimitmaxrecalls and recalllimittimeinterval to see if they are set to 99 and 1 respectively to give the best chance to recall all files if needed
## Note: while they may not choose to copy we will still get these values for later processing in case they do
## We will prompt for 2 locations: 1) the location of the fatr.exe executable & batch.cmd, and 2) the desired target path
## We will prompt for a decision if the user wants the placeholders that are verified as proper placeholders would also like them recalled (by copy to nul process)
## If they choose the copy option, we will report on the registry settings and recommend changes (and do them if they choose).
## Using these paths we will do the following
## 1) get a directory output of the target path and save that to a file named dirout.txt
## 2) using the dirout.txt file we will process each file in that list in the following manner
## 3) we will run fsutil (windows application) to confirm if the file has reparsepoint (placeholder) information, and if so, if the GUID matches the EV one (because of some issues found on 64 bit, this string has had the spaces removed to ensure matches on 64 and non-64 bit systems)
## *4) we will test the file as well with the fatr.exe application (in report mode) which will detail to us if the offline file bit is set or not
## 5) if the above tests result in finding a file which has the offline bit set, and NO reparse information, we will set the offline bit OFF (this will resolve the 'element not found errors' on archive attempts)
## 6) if the above tests result in finding a file which has the offline bit set, and EV reparse information, we will leave the file alone if copy choice is 'n' or copy the item to nul if 'y'
## 7) if the above tests result in finding a file which has the offline bit set, and reparse information (but not EV info), we will leave the file alone
## 8) if the above tests result in finding a file which has the offline bit unset, and NO reparse information, we will leave the file alone
## 9) if the above tests result in finding a file which has the offline bit unset, and EV reparse information, we will set the offline bit (this situation should not be found)
## 10) if the above tests result in finding a file which has the offline bit unset, and reparse information (but not EV info), we will leave the file alone
## 11) if the above tests result in finding not covered by the above we will report the results found and do nothing
## ver.bat ($exepath = "$(read-host "Please enter the path to the fatr.exe & batch.cmd files. Use the format,
$tarpath = $(read-host "Please enter the path to the desired target folder to analyze. Use the format,
$copyquestion = $(read-host "If proper placeholders are found, would you like them recalled? Use the format y or n")
## ------------------------------------------------
## Edited by Me (u know)
## ------------------------------------------------
$txtfile = $(read-host "Please enter the path to the file to search target. Use the format,
## ------------------------------------------------
## $outpath = "$(read-host "Please enter the path for the output file. Use the format,
$restart = 0
$script = $myinvocation.mycommand.definition
$exepath = split-path "$script"
##debug ##write-host $exepath
##debug ##write-host $tarpath
##debug ## write-host $tarpath
Write-Output "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" > $exepath\test1.txt
Write-Output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
get-date out-file -filepath $exepath\test1.txt -append
Write-Output "Processing Started" >> $exepath\test1.txt
Write-Output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
If ($copyquestion -eq 'y'){
Write-Output "Copy operation selected checking registry" >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
$bol = test-path -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService"
$bol2 = test-path -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService"
If ($bol){
## 64 bit PHS
$testreg = get-itemproperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService"
If ($testreg.BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins -eq 1){
write-host "BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins is set (64 bit)"
write-output "BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins is set (64 bit)" >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
$bypassnotset =$(read-host "The registry setting, BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins is not set, would you like to set it? Use the format y or n ")
If ($bypassnoteset = 'y'){
write-host "Setting BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins to 1"
write-output "Setting BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins to 1"
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
set-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService" -name "BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins" -value 1
$restart = 1
write-host "Not setting BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins can cause recall processing to fail if recall limits are encountered. Will exit. "
If ($testreg.RecallLimitMaxRecalls -eq 99){
write-host "RecallLimitMaxrecalls is set to the highest accepted value (99) "
write-output "RecallLimitMaxrecalls is set to the highest accepted value (99) " >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-host "RecallLimitMaxrecalls is NOT set to the highest accepted value (99) "
$recalllimitnotset =$(read-host "The registry setting, RecallLimitMaxrecalls is not set to the highest acceptable value, would you like to set it? Use the format y or n ")
If ($recalllimitnotset = 'y'){
write-host "Setting RecallLimitMaxrecalls to 99"
write-output "Setting RecallLimitMaxrecalls to 99" >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
set-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService" -name "RecallLimitMaxrecalls" -value 99
$restart = 1
write-host "Not setting RecallLimitMaxrecalls can cause recall processing to fail if recall limits are encountered. Will exit. "
If ($testreg.RecallLimitTimeInterval -eq 1){
write-host "RecallLimitTimeInterval is set to the lowest accepted value (1) "
write-output "RecallLimitTimeInterval is set to the lowest accepted value (1) " >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
$recalllimitTnotset =$(read-host "The registry setting, RecallLimitTimeInterval is not set to the lowest acceptable value, would you like to set it? Use the format y or n ")
If ($recalllimitTnotset = 'y'){
write-host "Setting RecallLimitTimeInterval to 1"
write-output "Setting RecallLimitTimeInterval to 1" >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
set-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService" -name "RecallLimitTimeInterval" -value 1
$restart = 1
write-host "Not setting RecallLimitTimeInterval can cause recall processing to fail if recall limits are encountered. Will exit. "
ElseIf ($bol2){
## 32 bit PHS
$testreg = get-itemproperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService"
$eval1 = $testreg.BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins
## debug ##
write-host $eval1
If ($eval1 -eq 1){
write-host "BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins is set"
write-output "BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins is set" >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
$bypassnotset =$(read-host "The registry setting, BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins is not set, would you like to set it? Use the format y or n ")
If ($bypassnoteset = 'y'){
write-host "Setting BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins to 1"
write-output "Setting BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins to 1" >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
set-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService" -name "BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins" -value 1
$restart = 1
write-host "Not setting BypassRecalLimitsForAdmins can cause recall processing to fail if recall limits are encountered. Will exit. "
If ($testreg.RecallLimitMaxRecalls -eq 99){
write-host "RecallLimitMaxrecalls is set to the highest accepted value (99) "
write-output "RecallLimitMaxrecalls is set to the highest accepted value (99) " >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
#write-host "RecallLimitMaxrecalls is NOT set to the highest accepted value (99) "
write-output "RecallLimitMaxrecalls is NOT set to the highest accepted value (99) " >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
$recalllimitnotset =$(read-host "The registry setting, RecallLimitMaxrecalls is not set to the highest acceptable value, would you like to set it? Use the format y or n ")
If ($recalllimitnotset -eq 'y'){
write-host "Setting RecallLimitMaxrecalls to 99"
write-output "Setting RecallLimitMaxrecalls to 99" >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
set-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService" -name "RecallLimitMaxrecalls" -value 99
$restart = 1
write-host "Not setting RecallLimitMaxrecalls can cause recall processing to fail if recall limits are encountered. Will exit. "
If ($testreg.RecallLimitTimeInterval -eq 1){
write-host "RecallLimitTimeInterval is set to the lowest accepted value (1) "
write-output "RecallLimitTimeInterval is set to the lowest accepted value (1) " >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
$recalllimitTnotset =$(read-host "The registry setting, RecallLimitTimeInterval is not set to the lowest acceptable value, would you like to set it? Use the format y or n ")
If ($recalllimitTnotset -eq 'y'){
write-host "Setting RecallLimitTimeInterval to 1"
write-output "Setting RecallLimitTimeInterval to 1" >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
set-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService" -name "RecallLimitTimeInterval" -value 1
$restart = 1
write-host "Not setting RecallLimitTimeInterval can cause recall processing to fail if recall limits are encountered. Will exit. "
write-output "Registry Read failed for path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService and HKLM:\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\FSA\PlaceholderService Copy operations may be limited by recall limits "
write-host "Copy not selected "
write-output "Copy not selected " >> $exepath\test1.txt
if ($restart -gt 0){
restart-service "Enterprise Vault File Placeholder Service"
write-host "Restarting EV File Placeholder Service"
write-output "Restarting EV File Placeholder Service" >> $exepath\test1.txt
write-output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
## ver.bat & $exepath"\batch.cmd" $tarpath > $exepath"\dirout.txt"
## & $exepath"\batch.cmd" $tarpath > $exepath"\dirout.txt"
## above worked at the command line in PS
## ver.bat $readlines = get-content $exepath\dirout.txt
##$readlines = get-childitem $tarpath -force -recurse where-object {$_.mode -notlike "d*"}
## ------------------------------------------------
## Edited by Me (u know)
## ------------------------------------------------
Get-Content $txtfile Foreach-Object {
$searchstring = $_
$searchbase = "$tarpath\$searchstring*"
write-host $searchbase
write-output "Searching folder beginning with $searchstring ..." >> "$exepath\$searchstring.txt"
## $readlines = get-childitem $searchbase -force -recurse where-object {$_.mode -notlike "d*" -and $_.length -lt 10000}
$readlines = get-childitem $searchbase -force -recurse -exclude *.ldb where-object {$_.mode -notlike "d*"}
#$readlines = get-childitem -LiteralPath "F:\Groups\Development\Developments - Commercial\Administration Stationary\VIC\GeneralAdmin\Expenses_04_05\051209memo[Expenses-Richard].doc"
## ------------------------------------------------
## $count = 0
foreach($readline in $readlines){
$fullname = $readline.fullname
$fsutilout = fsutil reparsepoint query "$fullname"
## pass fsutilout to new variable to ensure string
$fsutiloutst = "$fsutilout"
## debug ## write-host "running fsutil on file " $fullname " returned " $fsutiloutst
$filetest = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "$fullname" -Force
# $filetest = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "$fullname" -Force
# "ERROR Filetest: file $filetest :: "+ $_ out-file "$exepath\$searchstring error.txt" -append
# write-host $_
# continue
#$filetest = $fullname
$offline = $filetest.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Offline
"ERROR->file $filetest :: "+ $_ out-file "$exepath\$searchstring error.txt" -append
write-host $_
###$fatrout = & $exepath"\fatr.exe" -r "$fullname"
## next pass $fatrout to another variable to properly get it in a string
###$fatroutst = "$fatrout"
## debug ## write-host "running fatr in report mode on file " $fullname " returned " $fatroutst
## Logic for evaluation of the strings
## new test for offline - Determining if an attribute is set
## $File = Get-ChildItem .\test.txt -Force
## $File.Attributes
## if ( $File.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden )
## { Write-Host "Hidden Attribute Set" }
## Setting an attribute
## $File = Get-ChildItem .\test.txt -Force
## $File.Attributes
## $File.Attributes = ( $File.Attributes -bor [System.IO.FileAttributes]::System )
## $File.Attributes
## Removing an attribute
## $File = Get-ChildItem .\test.txt -Force
## $File.Attributes
## $File.Attributes = ( $File.Attributes -bxor [System.IO.FileAttributes]::System )
## $File.Attributes
If ($fsutiloutst -match'(?m:^Error)' -and $offline -eq 0){
$out1 = "The file "+$fullname+" has no EV reparse information and does not have the offline bit set, no action needed"
out-file -filepath "$exepath\$searchstring.txt" -inputobject $out1 -append
elseif ($fsutiloutst -replace ' ', '' -match '(^ReparseTagValue:0x00000010GUID:{9DD58ACD-4BE7-4F36-9CE3-B7738EE3C702})' -and $offline -eq 0){
$out2 = "The file "+$fullname+" has EV reparse information and does not have the offline bit set, will set offline bit"
out-file -filepath "$exepath\$searchstring.txt" -inputobject $out2 -append
$filetest.Attributes = $filetest.Attributes -bor [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Offline
# & $exepath"\fatr.exe" $fullname >> $exepath\test1.txt
elseif ($fsutiloutst -match'(?m:^Error)' -and $offline -eq 4096){
$out3 = "The file "+$fullname+" has no EV reparse information and does have the offline bit set, will clear offline bit"
out-file -filepath "$exepath\$searchstring.txt" -inputobject $out3 -append
$filetest.Attributes = $filetest.Attributes -bxor [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Offline
# & $exepath"\fatr.exe" $fullname >> $exepath\test1.txt
## only case left should be has reparse, and has offline bit set
# $fullname
If ($copyquestion -match 'y'){
$out4 = "The file "+$fullname+" has EV reparse information, and is offline, will attempt to copy to nul device as copy selection set to 'y'"
out-file -filepath "$exepath\$searchstring.txt" -inputobject $out4 -append
# "The File: "+ $fullname out-file "$exepath\$searchstring error.txt" -append
# "ERROR: "+ $_ out-file "$exepath\$searchstring error.txt" -append
# write-host $_
# continue
## copy-item $fullname \\.\nul\ -verbose -force out-file -file path $exepath\test1.txt -append
copy-item -LiteralPath $fullname \\.\nul\
$copyresult = $?
write-output "Copy of $fullname to nul returned $copyresult " >> "$exepath\$searchstring.txt"
$out5 = "The file "+$fullname+" has EV reparse information, and is offline, will not attempt to copy to nul device as copy selection not set to 'y'"
out-file -filepath "$exepath\$searchstring.txt" -inputobject $out5 -append
## copy functionality ## write-host "file " $fullname " has reparse information and is offline, will attempt to copy to nul device"
## copy $fullname \\.\nul\
## ------------------------------------------------
## Edited by Me (u know)
## ------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------
Write-Output "" >> $exepath\test1.txt
Write-Output "Processing Completed" >> $exepath\test1.txt
get-date out-file -filepath $exepath\test1.txt -append
Sunday, March 28, 2010
This blog has moved
This blog is now located at
You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here.
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Monday, March 22, 2010
Running PEAP with Cisco Aeronet 1231G and Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7925G
- Cisco Aeronet Access Point
- Windows Server (2003/2008) running IAS/NPS as the Radius server
- Server authentication certificate (commercial or self-signed)
Setting the Access Point
Login to the access point using HTTP/HTTPS, navigate to Security - Server Manager
Create a new radius server, point it to the Windows IAS/NPS (installed later). Speficy the shared secret and port for authentication and accounting
Set the default server priorities to
Navigate to Security - SSID Manager
Create a new SSID, attach it to the VLAN and tick the Radio checkbox
For Client Authentication Settings, tick Open Authentication with EAP and Network EAP. Change the Server Priorities to Customize or use defaults
For Client Authentication Key Management, select Mandatory for Key Management and tick WPA
SSID Settings. (optional) select Multiple SSID if you are running this SSID as multiple SSID
Navigate to Security - Encryption Manager
Select Encryption Modes to Chipher with AES CCMP + TKIP
Select Encryption Keys to Key 2 and let the value blank
Setting IAS/NPS
Once the NPS installed, run the wizard to setup the Wireless network.
We need to add a radius client which is the IP address of the Cisco Access Point
Navigate to Advancced tab, select the vendor name to Cisco
Navigate to Policies and select Connection Request Policies. Select the Secure Wireless Policy
Most of the following settings are the default value
Navigate to Use Windows authentication for all users. The following settings are having the default value
Navigate to Secure Wireless Connections. The following settings are having the default value
We specify which AD Security Group has access to this policy
Up to this stage, you need to import a server authentication certificate. This can be a commercial certificate or self-signed certificate. If you use self-signed certificate, you need to make sure the clients machine that is going to connect to this WiFi must trust the Root CA who generate this certificate
Select Microsoft Protected EAP (PEAP) and select Edit
If you have the certificate installed correctly, you should see the option which certificate you want to use
On the Settings tab