Saturday, September 26, 2015

XenDesktop 7.6 Multiple Screen with Desktop Viewer

By default when Desktop Viewer is enabled, it does not span on multiple screen. When it is maximizes, it only maximizes on one screen. To have it utilizes multiple screen, do:

Enable Desktop Viewer
Login to your StoreFront Server
Navigate to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\<your store or receiver web>\
Edit web.config
Find showDesktopViewer="true" and make sure the value is true, not false

Enable Force Full Screen
Login to your StoreFront Server
Navigate to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\<your store>\App_Data\
Edit default.ica
Find [Application] 
Add DesktopViewer-ForceFullScreenStartup=true under that tag

Propagate your change across your  Server Group

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

NetScaler 10.1 Custom Theme

Custom theme for NetScaler is a quick win to maximum appearance on the Access Gateway login page. With custom theme, the changes you made will persist on NetScaler reboot.

To edit/create a new theme, using winscp or filezilla connect to NetScaler and take a backup of:


on your local backup copy, start making changes:

put your pictures in /media
put your css changes in /css
put you html adjustment in index.html
put localised string in /resource/en.xml

Once the adjustment is done, upload the files back to /netscaler/ns_gui

To record the changes as a custom theme do the following:

mkdir /var/ns_gui_custom
cd /netscaler
tar -zcvf /var/ns_gui_custom/customtheme.tar.gz ns_gui/*

this creates customtheme.tar.gz in the /var/ns_gui_custom folder

Now you can login to NetScaler, navigate to Global Settings and change the theme to custom
all done!

To make adjustment to this custom theme, you do:

edit /var/ns_gui_custom/ns_gui
rm /var/ns_gui_custom/customtheme.tar.gz
cd /var/ns_gui_custom
tar -zcvf /var/ns_gui_custom/customtheme.tar.gz ns_gui/*

that's it