
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

XenServer 6.0 Kill Dead VM

Sometime when you try to restart or shutdown the VM, its status get stuck with the yellow status on XenCenter.

To forcely kill that VM:
  •  Login to the XenServer console where the VM is hosted
  • Get the VM Dom ID 
xe vm-list name-label={VM Name} params=dom-id
  • Get the list of live domains and see if the Domain ID of your VM is listed there
  • If your Domain ID VM is there, run the killing script
/opt/xensource/debug/destroy_domain -domid <dom id>
  • Do another list_domain to check the Dom ID is gone
  • Reset the power state of that VM
xe vm-reset-powerstate vm={VM Name} force=true
  • If that still does not work do


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